Wednesday 9 December 2015

Magazine and Brand Name Ideas

These are the primary masthead inspirations that I have thought of for my magazine and ancillary products. Within my masthead, I have to include conventions and ideas that portray regional identity and the fashion genre. The idea of "NE Fashion" applies to both of these conventions, however, it seems vague and has no personality. Even though it looks professional and could work, I wanted my magazine to have more thought. I also was thinking about "On Point!" as it was quite a new, fresh and young term that would be undershorts by my target audience and was related with the fashion genre. However, it doeskin comprehend or relate with the regional side of my product, and may weaken the connection to my target audience. Finally, I decided with "lush!" as this is a commonly used term in the North East and definitely relates to appearance and fashion, as the terminology is used for these topics a lot up North. It also adds a but of fun and personality to my masthead which I wasn't primarily grasping in my other options. Overall, I believe that my final decision will be effective for my magazine and ancillary tasks, and will help me connect with my readers and allow me to go in deeper with regional identity further within my products. 

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