Tuesday 8 December 2015

Billboard Drafts

I decided to make a few billboards, so that I have a clearer idea on what I wanted to portray, and so that I had options to pick the most professional and conventional board I produced. Below are the ones I have created.   

This is the first billboard I created. I chose this image as I thought it reflected the fashion genre by the use of costume, make-up and hair choice as they are all quite defined, and have been designed and chosen to fit the style of the magazine. However, it came across that the choice of pose made my model look unconfident due to the body language of the arms of my model. With this, I went on to design other options. 

This is another primary billboard I made, I wanted to try different options with the layout and placing of the images. I did like this billboard, however, I knew that I had better images at hand, and could create a better product with better images. 

This is a billboard I produced after I received advice from my first billboards which I have talked about above. I knew for my second try I had to create a more confident approach so that the fashion genre could be reflected for the audience. I chose this picture as the model is open and is looking straight at the camera with quite a neutral expression to inspire professionalism and also fashion, as this pose is quite popular within real photo-shoots and the realm of the fashion industry. However, I decided to keep on designing to see if I could create a better product. 

Again, this is another secondary billboard. I decided to try images of a different model, to see if this would change the overall effect. I took a similar layout to the one featured above, as it reflects my regional identity, due to the written content I have provided. I chose this image as my model shows a confident and fierce pose, and shows this through the hand on the hip pose, and the stern expression. Again, I kept designing to see which product would be the best. 
In the end, this is the billboard I chose overall. I chose this as I had the most positive feedback on this image and layout as it includes all the conventions that I included in previous billboards, and I have placed them so they look effective against the image. I chose this image in the end as it presented confidence and fashion so clearly that it was undeniable that I had to use it on the board. Also, the costume has more elements to the other outfits I have shown, which allows the billboard to relate more to fashion and my target audience. Again the hair and make-up help to create a dramatic effect, which is popular within fashion media. The expression of the model definitely assists this point, as she isn't focusing on the camera, but almost looking at her outfit which relates back to the fashion genre. The body language definitely portrays confidence compared to some previous billboards created. It is an open pose, which draws attention to the costume on the model, which can resemble further that my product is fashion based. 

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