Tuesday 15 December 2015

Time Management - 15/12/15

  • Today I will carry on with creating my website 
  • I will hopefully take part in and receive peer assessment as well self assessment

Friday 11 December 2015

Websites that Inspire Me

Vogue website takes on a simple but original look while still looking professional. It adds a range of features other than just fashion, which allows the reader to get more from the product. This page doesn't show a lot of content, however, the layout and choice of this keeps it looking clean and effective. I will take inspiration from this website by trying to keep a similar scheme, I will also try and create content that Vogue shows in their website, so that I can connect with my target audience.

The website for ELLE is carries similar conventions to Vogue, but does have slight differences. It contains a few more features in this particular page, however, the colour scheme are nearly the same. This new and fresh layout is hugely inspiring and almost the current look of fashion in the media. I hope to take on this approach with my own work. 

Magazines That Inspire Me

Vogue is am iconic print that has been on shelves nearly 100 years. I have took inspiration from this magazine, as it has a huge fashion realm, and has always been a popular pick for women especially over the years of its career.  It differs from other prints as it does carry traditional values, and has more of focal point of fashion than other prints. I will definitely take pointers from this magazine, especially the layout and the content it provides, as this will help me design and also decide on articles that I will feature. Finally, it will allow me portray the traditional effect that Vogue provides.

ELLE magazine is another influential piece that I will definitely take notes from. This isn't as old as vogue, but it gives off a fresh look, and adds a few different genres other than fashion. I will take inspiration from the designs of a front cover especially, as it shows originality but is effective in how the image fits the written content on the page. Also, the colour scheme is especially influential and I shall also take this on. 

Thursday 10 December 2015

Time Management Reflection - 10/12/15

  • I managed to carry out a whole shoot and to take some more images for my content for my website 
  • Along with this, I created most of my first page for my magazine, leaving me tuesdays and Thursday to finish my two other pages. 

Website Update

This is my current stage with my website, I am almost finished with my home page, as I have added my own content and my own images to go along with it. I have to add maybe one or two images to this page and then this will be complete. When creating this page, I have been looking at the websites for ELLE and Vogue, as these products are hugely inspirational, as well as supporting the idea of a layout and theme. Through my production I have also been making sure that I have been adding regional content so that it can relate to the readers. 

Time Management - 10/12/15

  • Today I plan to create the first page of my website
  • Also, if I have time I will carry out a shoot 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Prop Inspirations

I also have to think about prop inspiration so that my shoot is fully planned. The main props I will need significantly will be clothes, make-up and hair products, as I will be featuring these individually so that I can talk about them separately in my magazine and website. Other than this, I will not need a huge amount of props for the images that will feature my models, as i have found in my research that professional and popular fashion shoots use the minimal amount of props, unless relating to fashion, to keep it significantly about the nature of fashion itself and to not steer away any attention. Finally, I will initially need items that will help me carry out my shoots, like a high quality camera so that I can take the best images possible, as well as high quality lighting and a backdrop so that my images are clear and effective. 

Make-up Inspirations

Make-up is another one of many important aspects when creating a fashion magazine. With it being a vital part of the genre,it is important to think about when taking shoots and when thinking about the content I will be providing in my products. In the mood-board above I have featured current makeup trends for this year, and also provided seasonal makeup, so that it applies to the current issue of my magazine. The dark colours along with nude and bronzed looks are huge lately, and this would be significant to present within my products. By doing this, my readers will recognise these trends, and agree that my products and reliable and professional, as I have found my research before hand and will show current trends within my content. 

Costume and Fashion Inspirations

By creating a fashion magazine, it is extremely important to show evidence of fashion to ensure the professionalism and effect of the magazine and the ancillary products. In this mood-board I have included examples of what has been popular in 2015 fashion, and also forms of seasonal fashion, in this case Fall Fashion, as this is what I will be featuring in my products. By going from this inspiration, my shoot and images from it will look effective and reliable in my fashion magazine. Hopefully I can get my hands on some of these items, or items similar to this for my shoots to allow my images and products to come out as realistic and professional as possible.  

Magazine and Brand Name Ideas

These are the primary masthead inspirations that I have thought of for my magazine and ancillary products. Within my masthead, I have to include conventions and ideas that portray regional identity and the fashion genre. The idea of "NE Fashion" applies to both of these conventions, however, it seems vague and has no personality. Even though it looks professional and could work, I wanted my magazine to have more thought. I also was thinking about "On Point!" as it was quite a new, fresh and young term that would be undershorts by my target audience and was related with the fashion genre. However, it doeskin comprehend or relate with the regional side of my product, and may weaken the connection to my target audience. Finally, I decided with "lush!" as this is a commonly used term in the North East and definitely relates to appearance and fashion, as the terminology is used for these topics a lot up North. It also adds a but of fun and personality to my masthead which I wasn't primarily grasping in my other options. Overall, I believe that my final decision will be effective for my magazine and ancillary tasks, and will help me connect with my readers and allow me to go in deeper with regional identity further within my products. 

Time Management for December

1/12/15 - Start billboard
3/12/15 - Continue with billboard

8/12/15 - Start website
10/12/15 - Continue with website

15/12/15 - Continue with website
17/12/15 - Make finishing touches to ancillary products

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Time Management - 8/12/15

  • Today I will continue on create my website as my billboard is complete. 
  • I will hopefully show my progress of my website on my blog. 

Time Management Relfection - 5/12/15

  • Today I have successfully created a first official draft of a billboard, while also supping back ups in case I change my mind later 
  • I also continued on from this by analyzing all the billboards I produced, as well as showing a comparison to a professional billboard. 

Billboard Comparison

I decided to base mu billboard on Forever 21 's own billboard, as this brand revolves around the fashion genre, and would be significant to take inspiration from, as I am portraying the same ideas as this professional brand. The layout isn't exactly the same, however, I have focused more on mirroring the pose, as this is the main focal point of the billboard. Both of the models show similar poses and expressions, as shown by the position of their hands and facial expression. By recreating the look, my billboard will show professionalism and reliability of my own brand, and shows that consumers can trust my brand to portray the genre of fashion. As for the text, I have not took on the large masthead approach however, the subhead shown is quite similar to my own also. 

Billboard Drafts

I decided to make a few billboards, so that I have a clearer idea on what I wanted to portray, and so that I had options to pick the most professional and conventional board I produced. Below are the ones I have created.   

This is the first billboard I created. I chose this image as I thought it reflected the fashion genre by the use of costume, make-up and hair choice as they are all quite defined, and have been designed and chosen to fit the style of the magazine. However, it came across that the choice of pose made my model look unconfident due to the body language of the arms of my model. With this, I went on to design other options. 

This is another primary billboard I made, I wanted to try different options with the layout and placing of the images. I did like this billboard, however, I knew that I had better images at hand, and could create a better product with better images. 

This is a billboard I produced after I received advice from my first billboards which I have talked about above. I knew for my second try I had to create a more confident approach so that the fashion genre could be reflected for the audience. I chose this picture as the model is open and is looking straight at the camera with quite a neutral expression to inspire professionalism and also fashion, as this pose is quite popular within real photo-shoots and the realm of the fashion industry. However, I decided to keep on designing to see if I could create a better product. 

Again, this is another secondary billboard. I decided to try images of a different model, to see if this would change the overall effect. I took a similar layout to the one featured above, as it reflects my regional identity, due to the written content I have provided. I chose this image as my model shows a confident and fierce pose, and shows this through the hand on the hip pose, and the stern expression. Again, I kept designing to see which product would be the best. 
In the end, this is the billboard I chose overall. I chose this as I had the most positive feedback on this image and layout as it includes all the conventions that I included in previous billboards, and I have placed them so they look effective against the image. I chose this image in the end as it presented confidence and fashion so clearly that it was undeniable that I had to use it on the board. Also, the costume has more elements to the other outfits I have shown, which allows the billboard to relate more to fashion and my target audience. Again the hair and make-up help to create a dramatic effect, which is popular within fashion media. The expression of the model definitely assists this point, as she isn't focusing on the camera, but almost looking at her outfit which relates back to the fashion genre. The body language definitely portrays confidence compared to some previous billboards created. It is an open pose, which draws attention to the costume on the model, which can resemble further that my product is fashion based. 

Time Management - 5/12/15

  • Today I will start manipulating images for my billboard, and create a few drafts to see which ones are my favourite 
  • Along with this, I will keep editing and creating my website 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Draft Comparison #2

I based my contents page on Vogue magazine, as this print is hugely influential and is iconic world wide. I also chose it as it large representation of fashion, and will give me my own ideas on content to include. I decided to mirror the layout of the page by organizing the text into different sections, to organise the page and to make it aesthetically pleasing for the consumer. My win image reflects the fashion genre and resembles youth and confidence due to the mise en scene of the confident smile and the pose. Again I might make some changes to fonts and alignments of the content I have provided, to try and get that professional look of vogue.

Draft Comparasion

In this post I will be presenting my draft against a proffessional print. I have converted colour schemes and particular fashion and model elements into my own product. I made sure my model wore black so that it would work with the layout an colour scheme, that matches the style of this cover ELLE. I also tried to alternate the fonts, however, looking back now, I know I want to make some changes to these, as I believe it will make it look more professional if I made them quite similar to each other, as this will match the house style, and give the magazine a fresh and professional look. Other than this, I believe that the image reflects the fashion industry and can relate with my young audience as I have chose a young model. Overall, I am considerably happy with my first effort, and I know the changes that I will make when coming to do my second official draft.

Time Management - 3/12/15

  • Today I will reflect back on my magazines and make comparisons to existing products 
  • I will also get on with creating my website 
  • If I have time I will update my billboards 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Time Management Reflection - 1/12/15

  • I successfully produced two possible billboards as part of my ancillary tasks 
  • After I did this I continued with my website research and ams a decision of what direction of theme I want to go into
  • I then started to add my own content and ideas in my website, which I will continue with next session. 

Website Update

This is my current stage on my website. I have only added a few minor conventions, and most of the content was already featured on the websites layout, which I plan to remove when I finish all of my personal content. I will continue with this once again next session, and hopefully add moe conventions and my own content.

Website Drafts

These layouts on the Wix websites were my main options for my website. My original ideas were to go for the layout of the 'scarves wraps', however, with my house theme already in tact, the other theme proves to be better for my design and for my target audience as it resembles modern fashion and has a young fresh look, which I would prefer to take on

Billboard First Drafts

As part of my ancillary tasks, i have to create a billboard that supports my magazine and website. In this session, I have created two possible options and themes for my billboard. These billboards represent my fashion genre and relate with my target audience as I have used young models and colour layouts that would catch the eyes of my young female target audience. 

Time Management - 1/12/15

  • Today I am now leaving my magazine behind for now and going onto to my ancillary products 
  • I plan to make drafts of billboards so that I can get some inspiration and ideas 
  • Also I plan to start my website