Thursday 1 October 2015

Target Audience Interview

This video is my Target Audience Interview, which contains me and one of my target audience members. In this, I go through all of the questions that I was curious about, and I collected some date that will be pivotal when going through the rest of my research and planning and creating my real products.

This interview has specifically helped with my current ideas as it has gave me a full on insight of what a consumer expects, wants and wishes to be in a magazine or in another product of the brand, Instead of allowing someone to fill out a simple survey, I am getting hands on information with a specific target audience member, which allowed me to understand personally what people in my current audience will want from my products. Overall, without doing this interview, my research and planning may have not been completely accurate, and therefore my products may not be the best they could be, as this key information gives huge indicators of what a consumer will personally want from a fashion brand,

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