Monday 26 October 2015

Flat Plans and Rationales - Website Beauty Page

In the Beauty page, I am featuring beauty, health and hair products, as this is a complete different sector to clothing, but still fits in with fashion and popular culture. Again, my magazine name will feature largely at the top of the page, to allow the reader to remember the magazine, and my other ancillary products. Website tabs are featured once again to allow the reader to browse amongst different areas of the website. I have created a 'Beauty Pick of The Day' segment, just to add a fun sense to the magazine, as it allows the reader to come back everyday and see different beauty items to their leisure. Next to this, I featured different areas for different articles and particular beauty products that my website will be reviewing. Below this, I have included a section where I display makeup tips, to allow the reader to appreciate the way the website can help them in some way. The websites house theme will carry out again onto this page, to keep a professional layout and colour scheme. 

Extension/ Aftermath 
When creating my beauty page, I went in a totally different direction, due to the fact that I did't like how the original layout looked on the page, so I tried something different. I believe this was a good decision. I still included the original content and ideas for articles and sell lines that I included in my flat plan, as these ideas were still effective and would be beneficial for the reader. Overall, I love the way that this page turned out, as it is original but is still effective and fresh, and still connotes the ideas of fashion. 

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