Sunday 25 October 2015

Flat Plans and Rationales - Magazine Double Page Spread

I decided I wanted my double page spread to be based around fashion trends, instead of a usual interview article. By doing this, I get the chance to reflect more on the fashion element of my magazine, while also having the chance to add regional information. 
My page will be full on Autumn fashion items that are currently in trend. These vary from clothing to beauty products. At the same time, I will be adding some of my own images of my models to represent as celebrity content, as this is used quite commonly within existing fashion prints, to show that a particular celeb is wearing the same or a significantly similar item to the one featured on the spread.
 My headline will be spread out amongst the whole page, to stand out to the reader attention. To accommodate this, I will add a subhead below, to explain the point of the article, so that the reader gets a brief idea before reading the whole spread. Where I have placed boxes on the flat plan, I will be adding written content to stand by the fashion items that I will be adding, to describe and talk about the particular object and its significance to regional fashion. 
My house theme will still take place in this page, while including all colours, due to the use of images within the page. 
I will include most of the articles regionalism through the written content of the page, as my images will be occupied by clothing items and models. However I can still add regional information, like where a reader can find a certain item in the North East. This will allow the consumer to relate and appreciate the magazine, as it relates significantly to the region the readers live in. 
For further details on mise en scene, I know I want the article to have a fun look, as this is what fashion is all about. I will represent this fun adding slightly more colour, and this will come from a lot of the images I will be including.

Extension / Aftermath
My double page spread did once again take on this initial layout. There were a few elements that I didn't include. I did not add as many photos of models, simply as it didn't look professional when put on the page. I found that just including the product I was writing about was more easy on the eye for the reader and aesthetically looked better on the page. Other than this, I did keep most of my original ideas, like the pictures of the products along with the written content to go with it.

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