Monday 26 October 2015

Font Ideas

For my fonts, I initially want a professional but fun look, as I want to resemble the fashion industry while still making it look professional. I also have to try and make it look considerably 'girly' to reach out to my target audience, which are women from ages 17 onward initially. These are my main fonts that i have decided may feature in my magazine. I have included various fonts that may fit as my masthead title, and I have also chose a few that resemble some of my planned articles that I will be featuring; like my autumn double page spread. I have also tried to include some basic font stat I will use for most of my body text, as this needs to be basic while also keeping it original and to fit the genre of the magazine and ancillary products.  

Colour Scheme and Plans

When thinking about the colour scheme and layout of my magazine, I looked back on some original and professional covers to get some inspiration. I decided that colours on fashion covers consisted of light pastel colours, sided with basic but bold nude and monochrome shades. these together allow the magazine to be 'girly' but at the same time show matureness. I will take on this idea in my own magazine pages, as I believe that these two togethers individually and partnered are aesthetically pleasing and reflect the fashion genre and my target audience effectively.

Flat Plans and Rationales - Billboard

My billboard will be simple but original while also taking on a sleek and mature look, to represent the fashion genre I am taking on. I plan to feature two of the same image, and mirror them against each other on each side of the Billboard, and therefore feature the name of my magazine in the middle, and a slogan or subhead below. My billboard is subtle but it is definitely effective. I have taken inspiration from the Prada billboard, which was a huge success, and definitely had an impact. I will try to continue a house theme from my website and magazine to allow continuity and professionalism for my products. I believe that this will reach out to my target audience, especially by the image content, as this will resemble the fashion genre.

Extension/ Aftermath 
My final billboard took on a slight different take than this original flat plan. The design that the images have a mirror effect still stayed for the final draft, as well as the central aligned text, however, they took on a slight different positions and layout. The main images weren't restrained by an outline or box but effectively stood freely, like the Forever21 billboard. The written content was still included but featured nearer the top of the board. I love my final draft, as I feel that it thorougly represents the fashion genre and links with the house theme of the rest of my products.

Flat Plans and Rationales - Website Beauty Page

In the Beauty page, I am featuring beauty, health and hair products, as this is a complete different sector to clothing, but still fits in with fashion and popular culture. Again, my magazine name will feature largely at the top of the page, to allow the reader to remember the magazine, and my other ancillary products. Website tabs are featured once again to allow the reader to browse amongst different areas of the website. I have created a 'Beauty Pick of The Day' segment, just to add a fun sense to the magazine, as it allows the reader to come back everyday and see different beauty items to their leisure. Next to this, I featured different areas for different articles and particular beauty products that my website will be reviewing. Below this, I have included a section where I display makeup tips, to allow the reader to appreciate the way the website can help them in some way. The websites house theme will carry out again onto this page, to keep a professional layout and colour scheme. 

Extension/ Aftermath 
When creating my beauty page, I went in a totally different direction, due to the fact that I did't like how the original layout looked on the page, so I tried something different. I believe this was a good decision. I still included the original content and ideas for articles and sell lines that I included in my flat plan, as these ideas were still effective and would be beneficial for the reader. Overall, I love the way that this page turned out, as it is original but is still effective and fresh, and still connotes the ideas of fashion. 

Flat Plans and Rationales - Website Fashion Page

My second web link will consist of a archive of fashion topics, and what the magazine has wrote or featured about fashion. As the magazine is the fashion genre, a lot of the content on the website will be featured here. Again, like my other pages, the masthead/ name of the magazine, will feature at the top and will be quite large against the page, so that the reader will recognize my brand easily. Underneath, the website tabs will still remain, to allow the reader to go from page to page. Below, I have shown examples of what I will feature on my fashion page. I have added regional content by adding 'North East Favourites' to allow the reader to relate to my magazine and understand that it is local. These spaces will include various other topics on fashion, but the larger features will mirror the articles in my magazine. I have added a few examples of these articles and topics above in my flat plan. The color theme will almost replicate my other web page, to show professionalism and to make it a high quality product, as it is structured and laid out effectively. 

Extension/ Aftermath 
Through construction, I realised that this flat plan didn't support me enough to design the whole of my fashion webpage. However it did provide a starter and once I took on these first ideas I was confident enough to move forward. I added these first three boxes on the first sector of the page, then went onto creating new content, but kept the same topic of fashion. I am very pleased with how this turned out, as I included professional effects and made the whole page look effective with the content I added and manipulated on the page. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

Flat Plan and Rationales - Website Homepage

This is my plan for my magazines website homepage. As this is the homepage, it will house a range of different subjects, and will not only be one area as a homepage usually includes everything in some way. The name of my magazine will feature at the top of the web page, and will appear quite big, to allow the reader to notice the brand straight away, and for the homepage to look like a professional product. Below this will be the website tabs, this will link the consumer to a particular area of the website which includes articles and items of one significant topic or subject. I have shown in the picture above the kind of articles and features I will include on my homepage and website, as these ones I have chose randomly will fit my genre and be suitable for my target audience. Underneath the tabs, I plan to include an automatic scrolling article advertisement which will include various items that will be on the website. Finally, below this, will be links and descriptions of a range of articles that are included within the website. The house theme should hopefully mirror the look of the original magazine, but look professional and chic at the same time. Fonts and colours will also relate with my target audience, this being young women, and therefore look appealing to the eye with soft but bold colours, and mature fonts to go with it. 

Extension/ Aftermath 
My website did keep some elements of this flat plan, however, I did change some of the layout. I decided to do this as Wix offered me many effective designs and layouts, and the one that I liked best gave me a more effective layout than my flat plan did. However, saying this, I did keep some of my original ideas, like my sell lines and articles. I significantly added more images so that it would look more aesthetically pleasing to the viewer. 

Flat Plans and Rationales - Magazine Double Page Spread

I decided I wanted my double page spread to be based around fashion trends, instead of a usual interview article. By doing this, I get the chance to reflect more on the fashion element of my magazine, while also having the chance to add regional information. 
My page will be full on Autumn fashion items that are currently in trend. These vary from clothing to beauty products. At the same time, I will be adding some of my own images of my models to represent as celebrity content, as this is used quite commonly within existing fashion prints, to show that a particular celeb is wearing the same or a significantly similar item to the one featured on the spread.
 My headline will be spread out amongst the whole page, to stand out to the reader attention. To accommodate this, I will add a subhead below, to explain the point of the article, so that the reader gets a brief idea before reading the whole spread. Where I have placed boxes on the flat plan, I will be adding written content to stand by the fashion items that I will be adding, to describe and talk about the particular object and its significance to regional fashion. 
My house theme will still take place in this page, while including all colours, due to the use of images within the page. 
I will include most of the articles regionalism through the written content of the page, as my images will be occupied by clothing items and models. However I can still add regional information, like where a reader can find a certain item in the North East. This will allow the consumer to relate and appreciate the magazine, as it relates significantly to the region the readers live in. 
For further details on mise en scene, I know I want the article to have a fun look, as this is what fashion is all about. I will represent this fun adding slightly more colour, and this will come from a lot of the images I will be including.

Extension / Aftermath
My double page spread did once again take on this initial layout. There were a few elements that I didn't include. I did not add as many photos of models, simply as it didn't look professional when put on the page. I found that just including the product I was writing about was more easy on the eye for the reader and aesthetically looked better on the page. Other than this, I did keep most of my original ideas, like the pictures of the products along with the written content to go with it.

Flat Plans And Rationales - Magazine Contents Page

My contents page has to take on a sleek and professional look, as when looking through my research and current existing prints, a fashionable and mature look was extremely popular, especially the style from Vogue magazine. As seen from my flat plan, my articles will be organised in layers. I will also add titles to define and label these articles, to make it easier for the reader to find particular pages. I have also created a section which accommodates an editors  space, where I can add some extra image content. My plans are to also add a large image from my photo shoots, as I thought this reflects and gets the fashion genre across to the reader, as it creates an effective impact on the page. 
At the top of the page I plan to feature the name of my magazine, and below I will feature 'contents page' to make clear of the point of the page. 
The colour layout will replicate my original house them on all of my pages, however, the colours I will be including on this page will range from: white, silver, black, red, pink and a range of pastel colours, as these colours stereotypically and traditionally relate to my target audience. 
I aim to think of 15-30 articles to feature in my contents page, to show written evidence and examples of my regional fashion genre. These may shown in different sectors and areas including "regional" "usuals", "fashion" and "beauty". Within these I will add articles like "Newcastle fashion walk", "Urban Decay glam" and "Lush must have's".
As said, I will also represent regional identity within my contents page by adding a section completely based on events 'In the North East' as this differs from your traditional global fashion magazine. It will also allow readers to relate to the content and appreciate that the North East has an original fashion print magazine.

Extension/ Aftermath 
Overall, I have stuck to this design pretty well. I have added all the elements on this flat plan onto the final draft of my contents page and it worked pretty well. Even all of the layout has stuck to the plan and resonates well with the idea and look of Vogue magazine's own contents page. The only thing that is slightly different on my final draft is the dominant image. In my final draft I didn't add a full body shot once again, as I was simply recreating Vogue's own traditional contents page, where not all he dominant images were full profile. This still allowed my page to look effective and professional.

Friday 23 October 2015

Flat Plans and Rationales - Magazine Front Cover

For my front cover, I want to replicate a traditional fashion magazine. As you can see from my flat plan, I have shown the variety of articles that I will be adding. I know from professional prints that fashion magazines include a lot of content about the issue on the front cover, this being the reasons that I have visually shown how I will set this out. From my research, I found that fashion front covers usually feature a celebrity or a model who is supporting a particular trend or main subject of the current magazines issue. Due to this, I have featured a figure of how my model may feature on the cover. Like Vogue and Elle my masthead takes a large sector of the cover, creating an effective and professional layout. 
Depending on the picture I take, the image may overlap on the title, as this is a popular technique used quite a lot. I may even add sub images as I have shown on the right hand side of my flat plan. I have done this, to represent the fashion element of the magazine, and to catch my target audiences eye. On the gutter line of the page, I have also added a bar-code as this is compulsory to any magazine. 
Through the use of mise en scene, I want to definitely give off a fresh, girly and professional look. To do this I will not include very flamboyant colours, as monochromes and lighter colours will look more professional for my target audience. The model will show a relatable but professional and fashionable pose, like a smile or a neutral look to represent the fashion industry.
Finally, to give my magazine some regionalism I have added a subhead below my masthead that will link to the North East. I also want to show very clearly that my magazine and ancillary products link to my region. To do this I will include various articles on the cover that indicate ideas and content of the North East so that readers will understand straight away notice that the magazine is regional. Some sell lines and articles may be features like "North East Autumn favourites" or "10 ways to feel more confident" as these small examples are the kind of topics you would see in a fashion magazine, and what my potential audience would enjoy to read. 
Overall, this flat plan will guide me when coming to production, and hopefully will allow me to be more prepared when  going into this process. 

Extension / Aftermath 
I am now writing back here in April 2016, when all of my products and blog has been completed. Here I will explain how my flat plan initially influenced my final piece. In terms of sell lines, I have definitely kept the main idea and plan of their positioning and size as this does resemble traditional and original fashion magazines. I have also kept a similar dominant image to the one I added in my flat plan. However, the image isn't completely a full shot and could be classed as a medium shot, as the full body isn't in vision. I decided to take on this as I didn't want my cover to look stretched and i wanted a more full and detailed vision of my model. The masthead and subhead also stayed the same, apart from how I added a pug or banner diagonally on my masthead so I could display my price, as this is done on the likes of ELLE magazine a lot. One last thing I changed is the side of the page I featured the sub images on, on my flat plan. I simply switched them over so I had more room as this looked more effective on my final draft. 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Time Management - 22/10/15

  • Today I plan to post my flat plans and rationales 
  • I will then go onto the rest of my planning for my magazine and its style.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Time Management Reflection - 21/10/15

  • Today I have completed everything I aimed to 
  • Firstly I booked my model and uploaded my evidence 
  • Secondly I produced my ideas for my costume and make-up ideas for my shoot 
  • Next I created my plans for the location of my shoot 
  • Therefore I have completed all of my photo-shoot organisation. 

Photo-Shoot Location Plans

Within this Prezi presentation, I have expanded on my thoughts of where I plan to set my photo- shoots. I have went through the positives and the downfalls of each setting that I have chose, and described why and how they would fit in amongst my genre and within my products.

Costume and Make-up Ideas

In this slideshow, I have presented my plans my costume and make-up ideas for my shoot. Within this I have justified why have chose certain inspirations, and how I will incorporate them into my own work.

Booking my model

In these screenshots I ask my potential model if she is still interested in modelling for my regional fashion products. I have done this to plan and organise ahead so that I am fully prepared. In this message I have got across everything that I want and expect from her performance in  my shoot. By doing this, she herself feels prepared and can already plan ahead.

Time Management - 21/10/15

  • Today I plan to go on further with my photo-shoot organisation 
  • First thing I will complete will be the booking of my model 
  • Second will be my costume and make-up ideas 
  • Lastly I will focus on the location of my shoot 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Time Management Reflection - 20/10/15

  • Today I managed to complete the Recce and upload it to my blog successfully 
  • I also started my Photo-Shoot Planning document and successfully finished and uploaded it to my blog. 

Photo-Shoot Planning

Like my Recce, these documents show my planning for my photo shoots in the future. I have gone through all the plans and possibilities for my photoshoots, to ensure that I am completely organised.


In these documents I have created a heath and safety precaution, and talked about things I need to think about and keep in mind when planning and starting my photoshoot.

Time Management - 20/10/15

  • My first thing to do today is finish my Recce, and to upload it to my blog 
  • The second thing I want to do is start my next photo shoot document 

Thursday 15 October 2015

Time Management Reflection - 15/10/15

  •  I managed to complete my reader profile 
  • After this I managed to upload it to my blog 
  • Finally I got onto to creating my recce which I should have done by next session. 

Reader Profile

This is my Reader Profile, that I have created based on all of my audience research. I started by looking at the results from my survey, which gave me a few ideas on what my audience likes to take part in, and what they enjoy in their spare time. A lot of this was shopping and socialising, so I collected a range of images that I knew from my own personal knowledge that the female community do tend to like over other retail stores. Through my interview I knew that social media was huge and upcoming, so I decided to add the use of the iphone in the profile, as this presents the rise of technology even in the fashion genre and in the region. Make-up and beauty products were also hugely popular, as I found from my questionnaire, and this would definitely be an aspect that I will have to include in my products. I also decided to add some local elements, like the North East biggest shopping facility: The Metro Centre. I also added a picture of Newcastle itself, and the local alcoholic beverage: Newcastle Brown Ale. This was to get across that my magazine and ancillary products are aimed at women in the North East, not just women as a whole.

Time Management - 15/10/2015

  • Today I will plan to complete my reader profile 
  • Then I will continue to post to my blog 
  • Finally I will go onto starting my recce 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Time Management Reflection - 13/10/15

  • Today I completed my prezi on audience profiles which I needed to complete 
  • And I  also successfully started back on my reader profile for next lesson 

Audience Profiles

In this prezi, I have displayed members of my audience and talked about how they fit my audience. Ive also included information about people who don't fit my primary audience.

Time Management - 13/10/15

  • Today I will be posting my audience profile work, as I have decided to post this document before my reader profile as it gives an idea of my chosen audience 
  • The next thing I will do in this lessons start again on my reader profile, in hope to post in thursday's session. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Time Management reflection

  • I did make a start to my reader profile, however I still have to add written content.
  • Next lesson I hope to finish the profile and then start my audience profiles to add to my audience research. 

Time Management - 8/10/15

  • Today I am going to go onto creating my reader profile, as I have some data from my audience profile survey. Within my readers profile I will also add some extra information and imagery on what my audiences enjoy or what they associate with, along with what they will want from my own magazine and products. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Time Management Reflection

This lesson I have completed my survey and I have already got feedback from this. However I have not completed my reader profile, as I am waiting on further feedback and data on my survey. I will definitely start this within the next session.

Target Audience Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

In this survey I have asked ten questions that will allow me to gather data so that I can evaluate my audience and magazine ideas once again. In this survey I have included aspects like cost and the particular genre that I am incorporating into my regional magazine. Once I gather my data, I can then go into more detail when creating other documents on my audience.

Time Managment 6/10/15

In this session I hope to finish my survey and to collect some data, so I can evaluate my audience.
Another thing I want to try and achieve is to create or start a reader profile as part of my audience research

Thursday 1 October 2015

Target Audience Interview

This video is my Target Audience Interview, which contains me and one of my target audience members. In this, I go through all of the questions that I was curious about, and I collected some date that will be pivotal when going through the rest of my research and planning and creating my real products.

This interview has specifically helped with my current ideas as it has gave me a full on insight of what a consumer expects, wants and wishes to be in a magazine or in another product of the brand, Instead of allowing someone to fill out a simple survey, I am getting hands on information with a specific target audience member, which allowed me to understand personally what people in my current audience will want from my products. Overall, without doing this interview, my research and planning may have not been completely accurate, and therefore my products may not be the best they could be, as this key information gives huge indicators of what a consumer will personally want from a fashion brand,

Time Management - 1/10/15

Today I plan to edit my video and to upload it onto my blog. The video will consist of my target audience questions which will help me decide on some pivotal features of my products.