Tuesday 22 September 2015

Reconstruction 1 - Prada


This is my reconstruction of one of the particular products that I will be producing. As I have said in earlier tasks, billboards are perfect for quickly and effectively advertising a product, and for this reason, they don't actually contain a lot of information on, just a simple tag line or image is sufficient as long as it catches the eye. With this billboard that i have chosen, I believe that the images in the original are strong and bold, which allows the product to catch the consumer's attention. It also gives a fresh and fashionable look, which was clearly the intention as Prada is a huge fashion brand, that probably strives for this effect in all of its products.

I have tried to incorporate the same idea into my own reconstruction which is shown below the original. I have chosen two images that have a similar visual effect, so that both boards look almost the same. When editing on Photoshop I also made sure that I picked a font that was hugely similar to Prada's own dominant font

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