Tuesday 29 September 2015

Primary Audience and Secondary Audience Profile

In class we all drew an example of our primary and secondary readers, to allow us to get a better idea of who we are selling our products to. I decided that my primary audience ranged from women aged 17 to 25. These consumers are also probably students or mostly in part time work. These people have the time to read a fashion magazine, and also care more about the subject than other ages and genders. These young ages will also be hugely into social media, and be more knowledgable on trends and what is popular in the social circle.
I also wanted to add my secondary audience, as older some may also be interested in trying to be more educated in fashion trends. This audience would be over 25, and have a stable career, and probably children. These consumers have busy lives, however, if they find a minute for themselves, my magazine may be one of the read they would prefer.

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