Monday 11 January 2016

Reflection On Deconstruction Research

Researching and creating my deconstructions definitely has helped me in various ways. For one, it enlightened me on all of the conventions of traditional magazines, and also the type of magazine that I would generally be recreating for myself, this therefore prepared me for realising what I needed to include to make them  reliable and professional fashion products. The codes and conventions I have studied will now allow me to challenge and understand how they will help me when creating my own work, These could consist of a website layout, or how the front cover of a magazine has been constructed so that the content works nicely off each other. Conventions like mastheads and article titles will also be convenient when it comes to constructing my drafts, as these are two of the most important structures to remember when creating a professional piece of work, as they are the two main sources of written content, and probably the first a consumer will go to skim read. Overall, without my deconstructions, I would probably lack the amount of thought that would have been going into my work, and my products may not have been up to a decent standard, as simple codes and conventions are completely and utterly vital, as the products may not be took seriously, and will not fit basic criteria of a traditional magazine, billboard or website.

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