Friday 1 January 2016

Billboards That Inspire Me

Prada is a worldwide fashion brand that has been hugely popular since the beginning of its franchise. We can see from the billboard that is has used minimal content, proving that even to any audience that it only needs simple advertisement to make an impact. While doing this, it also shows a fresh and clean representation, and presents the fashion industry by showing models wearing high fashion and creating a dramatic and fierce approach by the sue of body language and facial expression, which is also a popular aspect that fashion culture entails. I am inspired by this product as it presents traditional and original fashion, by the use of content it has used and the atmosphere and approach it gets across. Hopefully I can take on some of these aspects in my own work. 

Forever 21 is a fairly new brand, and takes on a quirky and fun effect in this billboard. It is simple but makes an impact, similar to Prada. Once again, the minimal content speaks louder than words and successful gets the fashion brand across by using a model, and also conventionally using light shades and pink colours to try and get across that the billboard is aimed for the female audience. I will take on Forever 21's ideas by mesmerizing the layout of the board, and how the use of colour helps the advertisement, 

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