Monday 11 January 2016

Photo-shoot Photos

With all of my photo-shoots, there are photos that will be suitable and some that are unsuitable. Therefore, I had to look through my options and decide which photos were worth using. Here I'll show some examples of my analysis of my photos.
This is one of the successful images I took. The picture has got good lighting, and the model is in a effective pose, which could potentially fit in my products well. The make-up and costume also make an impact, and allow the fashion genre to flourish successfully. Overall, this image in particular will go well within all of my products, and will clearly support my content.

On the other hand, this picture is definitely unsuitable. I could not use this image as the fell length image has shown the bottom of my back drop, and the floor in our vision. Also, there are shadows in the image which, again, shows low quality material and unprofessionalism. Due to this, it will not be making an appearance within my work, as it will not fit the basic criteria for a professional product, and also the criteria of my target audience.

This is another successful photo from my shoot. The image has a good backdrop and has minimal shadows from the outline. The model is posing in an effective form, and the proportion of the composition gives it potential to be a front cover image.The choice of makeup and costume also shows examples of the genre, which will allow my target audience to apprecita ethis image when seen within my productss

This photo may have had potential, however the lighting totally ruins the effect, and therefore makes the image low quality. When the picture was took the lighting must have glitched or the position of the camera may have enabled the picture to not receive the light that was provided. By this, facial features are dimly presented, as well as hair and costume which is vital to present when dealing with the fashion genre as these are the main elements. Overall, I knew that this image would not be suitable for my magazine, billboard or website, therefore, I put it aside and chose from my other successful photos. 

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