Tuesday 26 April 2016

Time Management For April

5/4/16 - Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to products.
7/4/16 - Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to products.

12/4/16 - Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to research and planning.
14/4/16 -  Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to research and planning.

19/4/16 -  Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to my evaluation.
21/4/16 - Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to my evaluation.

26/4/16 - Take a final look at blog and update or change anything that needs to be altered, so that the blog can be finally complete.

Time Management for March

1/3/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on my evaluation.
3/3/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on my evaluation.

8/3/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on my evaluation.
10/3/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on my evaluation.

15/3/16 - Add more content to different sectors of my blog.
17/3/16 - Add more content to different sectors of my blog.

22/3/16 - Add more content to different sectors of my blog.
24/3/16 - Add more content to different sectors of my blog.

29/3/16 - Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to products.
31/3/16 -Take on final draft notes from my lecturer and make final changes to products.

Time Management for February

2/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make any changes needed on products. 
4/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make any changes needed on products. 

9/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make any changes needed on products.
11/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make any changes needed on products.

16/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on research and planning. 
18/2/16 -Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on research and planning.

23/2/16 - Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on research and planning.
25/2/16 -Take on notes from lecturer and make changes needed on research and planning.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Time Management Reflection - 26/1/16

  • Today I managed to get the most important factors of my beauty page complete which I can now get done in my own time so that next lesson I can go on with my evaluation. 

Time Management - 26/1/15

  • Today I hope to make the features for my final website page
  • If I get this done I can go onto my evaluation. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Time Management - 21/1/16

  • Today I am going to attempt to finish my double page spread and website to then carry on with evaluation. 

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Time Management Reflection - 19/1/16

  • Today i managed to take huge steps within my double page spread, and this allowed me to rasp what my finishing page will look like. I will carry on my drafting next session. 
  • I also designed a layout on my last page of my website. 

Double Page Spread Update

This is currently where I am up to on my double page spread. I have achieved quite a lot this lesson, as i have added to the layout and my written content, which has allowed me to vision how the rest of the page will look like, and therefore what steps I have to take to get it up to he standard that I wish the page to be at. Next session i will carry on and hopefully finish this page. 

Time management - 19/1/16

  • Today I have decided to finish my Double page spread 
  • If I finish this I will go on to finish my website 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Time Management - 14/1/16

  • Today I plan to get on with some self assessment 
  • I will also get on with my evaluation and things that are unfinished 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Time Management Reflection - 12/1/16

  • Today I managed to write a post on my peer assessment, and upload it to my blog 
  • I also decided on my schedule for January 
  • As well as this I started on my evaluation equation 1

Peer Assessment

In class, we went round and assessed various peers' work. From this, I received this feedback on all of my products, some that were completed and some that were incomplete. We decided to give each other two positives and a negative, which gave us constructive criticism. Some comments included that I fit my genre "well" and that the effect of my images were "very good". Some criticism I received was that I could add further "content", or to "add logos" and "make headings bigger on contents page". From this feedback, I am now aware on what aspects of my products I am doing well, and what I need to focus on and improve. 

Time Management - 12/1/16

  • Today I will continue with my blog posts and my further research
  • I will also continue with my evaluation 

Time Management For January

5/1/16 - Start creating evaluation
7/1/16 - Continue with evaluation

12/1/16 - Continue with evaluation
14/1/16 - Continue with evaluation

19/1/16 - Continue with evaluation
22/1/16 - Finish evaluation

26/1/16 - Make finishing touches to blog and products
29/1/16 - Make finishing touches to blog and products

Monday 11 January 2016

Reflection On Similar Product Research

By doing and finding this research on Similar Products, it has especially helped me within seeing what I am up against and what standards and expectations I have to reach, to allow my products to be the best and the most professional they can be. I have looked at what my competition is, and found prints to look up to, while also finding institution research, which has helped me find which sector my brands belong in. Also, seeing the conventions of magazines, billboards and websites have also gave me a huge insight of what I need to include and use, so that my products can be proffessional and reliable to the consumer,

Reflection On Deconstruction Research

Researching and creating my deconstructions definitely has helped me in various ways. For one, it enlightened me on all of the conventions of traditional magazines, and also the type of magazine that I would generally be recreating for myself, this therefore prepared me for realising what I needed to include to make them  reliable and professional fashion products. The codes and conventions I have studied will now allow me to challenge and understand how they will help me when creating my own work, These could consist of a website layout, or how the front cover of a magazine has been constructed so that the content works nicely off each other. Conventions like mastheads and article titles will also be convenient when it comes to constructing my drafts, as these are two of the most important structures to remember when creating a professional piece of work, as they are the two main sources of written content, and probably the first a consumer will go to skim read. Overall, without my deconstructions, I would probably lack the amount of thought that would have been going into my work, and my products may not have been up to a decent standard, as simple codes and conventions are completely and utterly vital, as the products may not be took seriously, and will not fit basic criteria of a traditional magazine, billboard or website.

Photo-shoot Photos

With all of my photo-shoots, there are photos that will be suitable and some that are unsuitable. Therefore, I had to look through my options and decide which photos were worth using. Here I'll show some examples of my analysis of my photos.
This is one of the successful images I took. The picture has got good lighting, and the model is in a effective pose, which could potentially fit in my products well. The make-up and costume also make an impact, and allow the fashion genre to flourish successfully. Overall, this image in particular will go well within all of my products, and will clearly support my content.

On the other hand, this picture is definitely unsuitable. I could not use this image as the fell length image has shown the bottom of my back drop, and the floor in our vision. Also, there are shadows in the image which, again, shows low quality material and unprofessionalism. Due to this, it will not be making an appearance within my work, as it will not fit the basic criteria for a professional product, and also the criteria of my target audience.

This is another successful photo from my shoot. The image has a good backdrop and has minimal shadows from the outline. The model is posing in an effective form, and the proportion of the composition gives it potential to be a front cover image.The choice of makeup and costume also shows examples of the genre, which will allow my target audience to apprecita ethis image when seen within my productss

This photo may have had potential, however the lighting totally ruins the effect, and therefore makes the image low quality. When the picture was took the lighting must have glitched or the position of the camera may have enabled the picture to not receive the light that was provided. By this, facial features are dimly presented, as well as hair and costume which is vital to present when dealing with the fashion genre as these are the main elements. Overall, I knew that this image would not be suitable for my magazine, billboard or website, therefore, I put it aside and chose from my other successful photos. 

Saturday 9 January 2016

Generic Conventions

This slidehsow shows my ideas on codes and convention of a basic magazine, billboard and website. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Prop Organisation

For my shoots, I may need a range of props to help me with taking the photos, and to possibly appear in the photos. Therefore, I have made this lost to guide me for when I look back to be reminded on what I am going to need once I am ready to take pictures.


  • A high quality camera: This prop is essential, as without this, my photos will not be up to the standard I wish them to be, and will therefore not be suitable for my products.
  • Professional lighting: When in the studio, the photos may as well be worthless if professional high key lighting isn't used, as this will give me the high quality look, and allow my photos to be suitable for my work
  • Fashionable costume: This is vital, as without this, my magazine or ancillary products may not be took seriously as a fashion brand, if the models do not look slightly fashionable. 
  • Mac computer: This will allow me to upload my photos quickly and to help me edit on some of its own features and Photoshop 
  • Make-up: Again, this will help the aesthetics of the shoot, and allow my photos to fit in with the fashion genre. 
  • Chair: This may come in handy if I wanted some differentiation with my pictures, and therefore supply different poses for my images. 
  • Tripod: This could be needed when trying to establish various shots. 

Institutional Research

This emaze has shown my ideas on institutional ideas.

Wednesday 6 January 2016


 In this prezi, I ahve talked about the current competition that I will be up against when creating my products.

Difference Between Regional and National Magazines

This slideshow shows the differences between a national print and a regional print, which I will be creating.

Monday 4 January 2016

Reflection On My Inspiration Research

Looking back on my inspirations and my research that I have revolved around it, I have found that it has helped me hugely on designing all of my products. It has inspired me and reminded me to keep to a certain criteria and allowed me to always keep in mind the genre I have chose and who I am aiming it towards. It has also been hugely beneficial as to the way it has showed me what professional examples are out there, and what I should focus my creations on and what would be expected by a consumer. Overall, all my research on current inspirations has helped and will go on helping as I finalize my products

Wix Template Research

When thinking about the layout for my website I had to look at existing examples and also what Wix had to offer. Wix is an online website creator and the best supplier for what I needed from my website. Before creating my website I have decide to research into the site and get an idea of what I have to work with. This picture shows how the site asked me what kind of website I would be creating so that it would automatically filter my options so that I could find an appropriate layout for my genre. Beyond this, the website gave me a few layouts to choose from,so that I could pick the vision and style I wanted for my website. This was vital as it gave me a full scheme, and I would be placing my content around this setting. Overall, I believe that the templates were hugely helpful, as without it, I would be starting my layout from scratch 

Friday 1 January 2016

Facial Expression Research

 This Prezi will show my research and thoughts on theories of facial expressions and how it can help me with my content.

Billboards That Inspire Me

Prada is a worldwide fashion brand that has been hugely popular since the beginning of its franchise. We can see from the billboard that is has used minimal content, proving that even to any audience that it only needs simple advertisement to make an impact. While doing this, it also shows a fresh and clean representation, and presents the fashion industry by showing models wearing high fashion and creating a dramatic and fierce approach by the sue of body language and facial expression, which is also a popular aspect that fashion culture entails. I am inspired by this product as it presents traditional and original fashion, by the use of content it has used and the atmosphere and approach it gets across. Hopefully I can take on some of these aspects in my own work. 

Forever 21 is a fairly new brand, and takes on a quirky and fun effect in this billboard. It is simple but makes an impact, similar to Prada. Once again, the minimal content speaks louder than words and successful gets the fashion brand across by using a model, and also conventionally using light shades and pink colours to try and get across that the billboard is aimed for the female audience. I will take on Forever 21's ideas by mesmerizing the layout of the board, and how the use of colour helps the advertisement,