Tuesday 17 November 2015

Photoshop Tools

While constructing my pages I have used Photoshop a great deal, to allow me to get the best out of my content in my magazine. These tools help me achieve a high quality effect to help me grasp a more professional piece. 

One of the tools I used was the 'type tool' which allowed me to add any written content I wanted. This was extremely useful when I aged to accommodate any images or features with an explanation, and is also extremely conventional when thinking about the general needs of any print magazine. This has helped me hugely as without this tool, I would have not been able to add text in an easy and sufficient way without it looking as professional and effective as the 'type tool'. 

The next tool I used was the 'spot healing brush tool'. This tool allowed me to fix any blemishes on my photos, and gave my images an air brushed and professional effect, which made my images more aesthetically pleasing. Without this tool, my images may have looked low quality and may have not fitted the style of the magazine. 

I also used the 'background eraser tool' which allowed me to crop and delete sections of an image in an easy form. I used this when editing photos of beauty and fashion items, as it allowed me to only keep the image of the product itself, which made the image look professional on the pages of my magazine. Without this, my images would have looked extremely unprofessional, and would have not looked pleasing for a reader at all. 

Another set of tools I used was the 'adjustment' tools. These allowed me to make changed to my images, like the contrast and concentration of the image. With these range of tools, I changed a variety of effects on my image. This improved my images, and gave them more of a 'magazine' look. 

1 comment:

  1. Good detailed post about Ps tools, it helps me see how you are progressing with your ICT skills.
