Thursday 26 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 26/11/15

  • Today I have successfully complete my front cover, and added all my written content that i needed to complete from the last session 
  • I also managed to improve my double page spread, and add some more images. However, my double page spread still needs to be completed, which I hope to achieve for the next session 

Magazine Update

This is my finished magazine front cover, and therefore my official first draft. I have took inspiration from leading fashion magazine ELLE, as this fashion magazine is hugely popular worldwide. Also, I have added my regional content, so that it relates to the North East, and can be relatable to my chosen target audience. However, this is only my first draft, and I still have to make improvements to my product, so that it can be as professional as possible. 

Time Management - 26/11/15

  • Today I plan to finish my magazine front cover and add the conventions that I wish to include.
  • After this, I intend to carry on with my double page spread and edit any images or content that needs to be edited for my page 

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 24/11/15

  • In this lesson I managed to do everything I planned to do. I successfully edited my image and added written content. 

Magazine Update

This is currently where I am up to on my front cover. I have managed to edit my image effectively and add more written content to my page as planned. In my next session, I will hopefully go onto finishing this page and going on to finish my double page spread. 

Time Management - 24/11/15

  • Today I will advance on my front cover, and hopefully edit my dominant images and start to add cover lines and written content to the page

Time Management Reflection - 19/11/15

  • In this lesson, I managed to start further on my front page 
  • I also advanced images for my double page spread 

Time Management - 19/11/15

  • Today I plan on starting my front page and possibly continue with my double page spread. 
  • Decide on layouts 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 17/11/15

  • Today I managed to reflect on particular photoshop tools, and complete my analysis on them 
  • I also started to design and plan my double page spread by altering some of my images for the page 
  • Overall I have completed everything I needed to do today. 

Magazine Update

I have begun to advance my double page spread and started to alter my pictures, so that they fit relevantly within my double page spread. Again, these are just early days and even though I have picked a layout, at the moment I am altering images and other content so that it looks professional on the page. Here is a picture of my current piece. 

Photoshop Tools

While constructing my pages I have used Photoshop a great deal, to allow me to get the best out of my content in my magazine. These tools help me achieve a high quality effect to help me grasp a more professional piece. 

One of the tools I used was the 'type tool' which allowed me to add any written content I wanted. This was extremely useful when I aged to accommodate any images or features with an explanation, and is also extremely conventional when thinking about the general needs of any print magazine. This has helped me hugely as without this tool, I would have not been able to add text in an easy and sufficient way without it looking as professional and effective as the 'type tool'. 

The next tool I used was the 'spot healing brush tool'. This tool allowed me to fix any blemishes on my photos, and gave my images an air brushed and professional effect, which made my images more aesthetically pleasing. Without this tool, my images may have looked low quality and may have not fitted the style of the magazine. 

I also used the 'background eraser tool' which allowed me to crop and delete sections of an image in an easy form. I used this when editing photos of beauty and fashion items, as it allowed me to only keep the image of the product itself, which made the image look professional on the pages of my magazine. Without this, my images would have looked extremely unprofessional, and would have not looked pleasing for a reader at all. 

Another set of tools I used was the 'adjustment' tools. These allowed me to make changed to my images, like the contrast and concentration of the image. With these range of tools, I changed a variety of effects on my image. This improved my images, and gave them more of a 'magazine' look. 

Time Management - 17/11/15

  • Today I will reflect on what I have used in Photoshop and explain how its has helped me while constructing my magazine pages. 
  • After this, I will go on to creating my double page spread, and making a start on the layout of the general page and the altering of images I will use 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 12/11/15

  • Today I have completed everything I achieved to, and I am almost finished my contents page. This will allow me to go onto my front cover in my next session. 

Magazine update

This is currently where I am up to on my contents page. I have added my cover surprise, and extra image, and more articles. I am almost finished my contents page, and only have to tweak it further until I get to my goal. 

Time Management - 12/11/15

  • This lesson I plan on continuing my contents page and get to the stage where I am almost finished. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Hair Inspirations

For my photos I need to resemble the nature of fashion, but also an autumn look to match my issue's subject. In this photo, I have included examples of particular hairstyles that I will be including and showing on my models. Using straight hair is classy and easy, and will allow readers to appreciate more simpler styles and allow them to be able to make a decoy look of their own. 
Also the natural wave look familiarizes with the Autumn factor that I will be including in my magazine, therefore it would be effective as it almost completes a look. 
Again, heated and more unnatural curls almost represents a more glamorous look, however, this indicates more of the fashion genre, and may come across to the reader as being professional and reliable for tips and tricks. 
Overall, I will be using all these hairstyles within my work, and maybe even more, as within the fashion industry and culture, anything is possible and plausible. 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 10/11/15

  • Today i was able to carry on with what I planned to get on with, which was my contents page for my magazine. I am now over half way through my page and hope to work on my other pages soon. 

Magazine Update

This is currently where I am up to on my contents page of my regional fashion magazine. Since my last update I have added further articles within the page, while also adding page numbers. Another piece of content I added was my 'editors picks' section, which gives the reader an insight of the editors personal fashion favorites of the month. Overall, my progress is going well, and my contents page is soon to be complete. 

Time management - 10/11/15

  • My main task today is to carry on with my contents page for my magazine

Thursday 5 November 2015

Time Management Reflection

  • Today I have managed to do everything I needed to do and more. 
  • It was not in my plan to include/take images at this point, however, I have managed to take some and I have included them in my work straight away. 
  • After this I started on writing my article titles which I planned to do before hand. 
  • With this, I also managed to create an automatic colour and layout scheme, which has paved my way to developing my magazine further. 

Magazine Update

This is where I am currently up to on my contents page of my regional fashion magazine: Lush!. I have created my layout and began a colour scheme. I am even above schedule as I have been able to take some pictures from an earlier photo-shoot. Also I have started my article content, which has helped me to start off my article set up scheme. Next session I will carry on with my articles. 

Time Management - 5/11/15

  • in this session I will carry on with my contents page, as I started this last lesson. 
  • I hope to start adding some written content, especially my articles sections 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Time Management Reflection - 3/11/15

  • I managed to get some details and plans on photo shoots 
  • I also started two pages of my magazines 

Time Management - 3/11/12

  • Today I will organise photos
  • Also I will start my magazine pages  

Time Management For December

1/12/15 - Continue producing ancillary tasks
4/12/ 15 - Continue producing ancillary tasks

8/12/15 -Continue producing ancillary tasks
10/12/15 - Start to finish ancillary tasks and make sure you are completely happy with both the main tasks and the ancillary tasks.

14/12/15 - Finishing touches to all tasks
17/12/15 - Finishing touches to all tasks

Time Management For November

3/11/15 - Prepare to start magazine pages/ start each one as images not at hand
6/11/ 15 - Continue with magazines/ incorporate images if possible

10/11/ 15 -  Continue with magazine pages/ create or decide a house colour theme/ include images
12/ 11/ 15 - Continue with magazine pages and content/ include images if possible

17/ 11/15 - All images should be sorted by this point/ keep going with magazine
20/11/15 - Do finishing touches to magazine

24/11/15 - Start ancillary tasks/ create billboard and website
26/11/15 - Continue with ancillary tasks