Tuesday 16 June 2015

AS Reflection

 When looking back to my prints from AS media, I am proud overall of my creations, and generally happy with the final outcome of all of the magazine pages. I believe that I achieved the conventions that I had to include for the magazine to be a suitable print, but also suitable of my chosen genre.

  I definitely carried and gained various strengths when producing this project. I believe that I included conventions and features that reflect Hip-Hop culture and genre. I also know the genre well, and this allowed me to create the most relevant content and idea, to ensure that the magazine would be a successful Hip-Hop product.

With this, I also had a few weaknesses. When looking back, I would agree that I could have allowed my magazine to relate more to traditional Hip-Hop, this including darker colours and a more 'grittier' effect. However, I did find from my research that this new style of a fresher and cleaner look along with the basis of the genre is extremely popular within print production, especially for my chosen genre.

The skills that I have learned over the past year will be
hugely significant when transferring to A2 media for various
reasons. When creating another media product, photoshop
will come in extremely handy, and now that I have a decent
understanding and know a range of skills, I can have further
confidence and gain a quicker start to my new projects.              

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